History: BatDefense V0.4 - first release BatDefense V0.4.1 -Bugfix: Screen/Window becomes active on start of game so you do not need to click into it before keyboard can be used -Bugfix: no need for allocating jpeg.library, removed access to it -Improvement: keyboard control for player 1 added BatDefense V0.4.1.1 - Special Debugversion for CGFX-Problems -Bugtracking: Locking of bitmaps seems to be not working with CGFX (Picasso no problems reported). If you encounter problems with CGFX, then try this version and report debug-informations given by program to batdefense@pohlsoft.de -Change: as Soundroutine 1 will be used for "Projekt Crashsite", Soundoption 2 will not be developed further in "Bat Defense" -> selection deactivated -Improvement: yet still inactivated, but several routines for transparent smoke effects implemented (not yet finished but in testing) BatDefense V0.4.2 - Not released to public -Bugtracking: More information printed for tracking the CGFX error BatDefense V0.4.3 -Bugfix: Now works on CGFX Systems to. Forgot to implement a fix for a known bug documented in the CGFX autodocs. BatDefense V0.4.3.1 -Improvement: finally found out, how to do assigns with C. Should have read the autodocs fopr dos.library earlier...